what should i eat to lose weight fast page 3

21. Remember
     Yes, the Diet is fasting. The more you starve How much can affect blood sugar levels. It also makes you more hungry, so you eat more than usual in the next meal.

22. share some did not have to eat out.
     Many young people complain that I did not want to leave in front. But the rules of weight loss, you do not need to eat out of it. You should be divided into four dishes, then eat just three portions is sufficient.

23. Do not eat anything after dinner again.
     Not good if you eat candy or food you eat anything after dinner already. The best way is to let the body rest from digestion and then restarted in the morning of the next day would be better.

24. Enough Sleep
     Do not believe I have to believe that. If you do not have enough sleep may affect hormones Leptin which acts to control appetite so may cause you to eat without restraint and fatter. In addition, if you sleep enough, it can help the body get rid of excess fat away as well.

25. Eat several small meals in a day.
     The study shows that eating 4-5 small meals each day to help regulate metabolism and appetite than eating regular meals three meals between meals, you probably eat a snack. or fruit to make you satisfied. And not hungry until the next meal. Now, the next meal you will eat fewer.

26. protein may help reduce fat in every meal.
     Each meal is recommended to be mixed with protein foods. The protein helps maintain muscle tone and stimulate the body to burn fat better. The protein is preferred Foods such as nuts, milk, yogurt.

27. spicy but delicious
     The study found that "chili" increases body temperature and metabolism is beneficial for weight control. In addition, it will not feel like eating sweet peppers again that eating chili and forget about the fat away.

28. Drink green tea
      University of Bern found Drinking green tea is one way to lose weight because it helps to burn calories even. Therefore, you should try to drink three cups a day, but be warned before that. A pure green tea No green tea in a bottle with a mixture of sugar, fat mass is not inevitable.

29. Drinking milk can help reduce obesity.
      If you do not like drinking green tea will try to milk it helps reduce obesity because milk is a rich source of calcium, the study found. The body gets vitamin D and calcium to help keep our weight down to get milk to make us feel full and do not want to eat or drink anything with sugar.

30. Read the label on the product details with her.
     Before buying any food or drink read insides product packaging, etc., before every time. It will help you avoid buying products with high-calorie or high-fat. It should be underlined that any guard at a supermarket to avoid walking around selling cookies. Frozen pizza and ice cream, because you probably will not even read the label on the box, bought it easily. I love the taste of it.

31. Write down your daily habits.
     What you eat each day try to write it every week because it will allow you to see restraint and control over eating habits quite well.

The 3 Week Diet 32. Eat more fresh fruit preserves or fruit smoothies.
     Fruit Mix sugar syrup often you girls get sugar than they need, while preserved fruits may contain Zack Carr Marine known as saccharin mixture, which is harmful to health. So if you want a complete multivitamin. Eat fresh fruit better, of course.

33. Stress is weakness
      You know that stress hormones increase the body's demand for food, increased hunger or hunger because I kind of knowing it well. Because the strain most often bogged down with stress and forget the eating habits of their own. So to keep myself away from my stress.

34. Laughter reduces obesity
      Research indicates that Laughter makes the heart beat faster when we laugh to breathe more oxygen to the muscles, abdominal exercise in itself.

35. weighed once a week
     No need to hurry if you weigh yourself every day, because the reduction is not as you wish, it makes you tense waste, thus weigh and explore himself naked in the bathroom once a week is sufficient.
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